무료업소록 |

Are you passionate about supporting education and making a positive impact in the lives of local students? We are currently seeking a dedicated Administrative Assistant to join our team in Global Bridge. Position: Administrative OfficerLocation: Burwood, Sydney AustraliaIndustry: EducationEmployment Type: Full-Time / Part-TimeResponsibilities:-Provide administrative support to the education team, including organising schedules, managing correspondence, and maintaining records.-Assist in coordinating educational programs and events aimed at local students.-Handle inquiries from students and faculty members, providing assistance and information as needed.-Manage student enrolment processes, including admissions and registration.-Collaborate with various departments to ensure smooth operations and communication within the educational institution.-Assist in maintaining accurate student records and databases.-Perform general office duties such as filing, copying, and data entry.Requirements:-Previous experience in administrative roles, preferably within an educational setting.-Strong organisational skills and attention to detail.-Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.-Proficiency in office software and basic computer skills.-Ability to multitask and prioritise tasks effectively.-A passion for education and supporting local students in their academic journey.-Australian permanent residency or full-time work right preferred.How to Apply:Email your resume and cover letter to admin@gbcollege.com.au with the subject line "Administrative Officer Application - [Your Name]".We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Are you passionate about supporting education and making a positive impact in the lives of local students? We are currently seeking a dedicated Administrative Assistant to join our team in Global Bridge. Position: Administrative OfficerLocation: Burwood, Sydney AustraliaIndustry: EducationEmployment Type: Full-Time / Part-TimeResponsibilities:-Provide administrative support to the education team, including organising schedules, managing correspondence, and maintaining records.-Assist in coordinating educational programs and events aimed at local students.-Handle inquiries from students and faculty members, providing assistance and information as needed.-Manage student enrolment processes, including admissions and registration.-Collaborate with various departments to ensure smooth operations and communication within the educational institution.-Assist in maintaining accurate student records and databases.-Perform general office duties such as filing, copying, and data entry.Requirements:-Previous experience in administrative roles, preferably within an educational setting.-Strong organisational skills and attention to detail.-Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.-Proficiency in office software and basic computer skills.-Ability to multitask and prioritise tasks effectively.-A passion for education and supporting local students in their academic journey.-Australian permanent residency or full-time work right preferred.How to Apply:Email your resume and cover letter to admin@gbcollege.com.au with the subject line "Administrative Officer Application - [Your Name]".We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Are you passionate about supporting education and making a positive impact in the lives of local students? We are currently seeking a dedicated Administrative Assistant to join our team in Global Bridge. Position: Administrative OfficerLocation: Burwood, AustraliaIndustry: EducationEmployment Type: Full-Time / Part-TimeResponsibilities:-Provide administrative support to the education team, including organising schedules, managing correspondence, and maintaining records.-Assist in coordinating educational programs and events aimed at local students.-Handle inquiries from students and faculty members, providing assistance and information as needed.-Manage student enrolment processes, including admissions and registration.-Collaborate with various departments to ensure smooth operations and communication within the educational institution.-Assist in maintaining accurate student records and databases.-Perform general office duties such as filing, copying, and data entry.Requirements:-Previous experience in administrative roles, preferably within an educational setting.-Strong organisational skills and attention to detail.-Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.-Proficiency in office software and basic computer skills.-Ability to multitask and prioritise tasks effectively.-A passion for education and supporting local students in their academic journey.-Australian permanent residency or full-time work right preferred.How to Apply:Email your resume and cover letter to admin@gbcollege.com.au with the subject line "Administrative Officer Application - [Your Name]".We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


주시드니한국문화원에서는 한국 문화 홍보 및 한·호 문화교류 활성화를 이끌어 갈 참신하고 역량 있는 인재를 다음과 같이 모집합니다. 1. 채용내용채용인원 : 1명모집분야 : 일반직(정규직)주요업무 : 리셉션 운영, 언론모니터링, 한국어사업 운영응시자격한국어 · 영어 능통자(통번역 전공자 우대)문서 작성(국영문) 등 기본적인 컴퓨터 활용 능력 보유자국가공무원법 제33조에 의한 결격사유가 없는 자호주에 합법적으로 체류 중인 한국 국적 보유자(복수국적자, 워킹홀리데이 비자 소지자 제외)해외이주법 제4조 및 제6조상 해외이주신고 대상자는 (합격시) 최종채용 이전 해외이주신고 필월 급여 : 기본급 $3,049, 렌트보조비(실비 상한액) $1,820-$2,038(최종합격자에 한해 세부 안내)호주퇴직연금(Superannuation), 상여금, 성과급, 복리후생비, 생일소액경비 등 별도 지급기본근무시간 : 주 5일(월-금 10-18시), 단 한국어강좌 운영 기간(연간 30주) 중 월∙화는 13-21시2. 전형방법1차 : 서류 전형(2024.3.22. 발표)2차 : 필기 및 면접 전형(서류 전형 합격자에 한해 2024.3.26. 실시 예정)※ 최종합격자는 채용 후 신원조회 진행(신원조회 결과에 따라 채용이 취소될 수 있음) 3. 제출서류채용지원서 1부(양식 있음, 국문)문화원 국문 홈페이지 www.koreanculture.org.au/ko/recruit/ , 채용공고문에서 양식 다운로드공공기관 블라인드 채용 지침에 따라 응시자는 출신지역, 가족관계, 신체조건, 출신학교 등 인적사항이 드러나지 않도록 유의해야 하며, 해당사항 기재 시 불이익을 받을 수 있음  4. 원서접수접수마감 : 2024.3.20. 까지접수방법 : 이메일(recruit@koreanculture.org.au) 접수  5. 기타사항구비서류 미제출로 인한 불이익은 응시자 본인의 책임으로 합니다.증빙 내용이 사실과 다르거나 전형 기준을 위반한 경우에는 전형이 정지 또는 무효로 되며, 임용 후에 관련 내용이 허위로 판명될 경우 해임될 수 있습니다.전형결과 적격자가 없는 경우 선발하지 않을 수 있습니다.최종합격자 발표 후 지원내용 증빙을 위한 추가 서류를 요구할 수 있습니다.본 전형계획은 사정에 의해 전형방법 및 일정이 변경될 수 있습니다.

Sydney NSW